Experiential Learning with the Blackhawks and Kernels

A highlight on my teaching calendar each year is the summer practicum that I lead where students get to work with the Chicago Blackhawks and Cedar Rapids Kernels on sport management research and event management projects. During the three-semester-hour course, students first work in project teams to develop new theme night recommendations for the Kernels and present their ideas to team executives for consideration. Our class then moves to Chicago for two weeks, and the students begin their time with the Blackhawks by assisting during the team’s annual fan convention. Once the convention ends, the students switch gears and work in project teams to perform research and develop recommendations that address various sport business issues presented by Blackhawks executives.
We also build in some time for fun and other professional development opportunities during the practicum. This summer our group attended a White Sox game, and we held a pizza networking dinner attended by 11 University of Iowa alumni now working in the sport industry in Chicago. Another alumnus who works for the Milwaukee Brewers also stopped by one afternoon to speak to the students about his career path and offer advice. It was especially rewarding this year for me to see my current students get to work with two of my practicum alumni who now work for the Blackhawks and one practicum alumnus who now works for the Kernels.
Over the years, the Kernels and Blackhawks have actually implemented recommendations made by the students, and the experience always provides valuable portfolio materials for students to present to prospective employers during job and internship interviews. But my favorite part of the experience is seeing the relationships formed during the practicum. Living together at Roosevelt University in Chicago and going through such an intense experience together creates strong bonds between students. Former practicum students stay closely connected and continue to support each other as they begin their sport industry careers.
Nothing can tell the practicum story quite like this amazing video produced by my talented wife. Check it out to get a behind-the-scenes look at what 23 University of Iowa students and I did during our summer vacation.